发表高水平SCI / EI期刊论文80余篇(IF>10论文3篇、ESI高被引3篇、中科院一区20余篇),主编《疏浚淤泥固化性能与微观结构表征》专著1部(科学出版社),参编著作、规程等3部。 (1) Feng Y., Wang D*, Huang Y. Interfacial shear behaviors of geocell-granular solidified sediment considering the particle breakage and geocell sizes. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2024, 442: 140977. (2) Wang Z., Wang D.*. Durability of industrial by-products combined with cement solidified sludge subjected to immersion and cyclic wetting-drying in various fluids. Acta Geotechnica, 2023, 18: 6849-6874. (3) Li S., Wang D.*, WU Y. Strength and load-bearing behaviors of cement-industrial by-products solidified crust layer over soft subsoil. Construction and Building Materials, 2024, 412: 134744. (4). Xu F., Wang D.*, Xu X., Xiao Z. Strengthening effect of nano-SiO2 on microbial induced carbonate precipitation (MICP) solidified sediment: Macro- and micro-analysis. Geomechanics for Energy and the Environment, 2024, 38: 100555. (5) Wang D., Wang H.*, Larsson S., Benzerzour M., Maherzi W., Amar M. Effect of basalt fiber inclusion on the mechanical properties and microstructure of cement-solidified kaolinite. Construction and Building Materials, 2020, 241: 118085. (6) Wang D.*, Benzerzour M., Hu X., Huang B., Chen Z., Xu X. Strength, permeability, and micromechanisms of industrial residue magnesium oxychloride cement solidified slurry. International Journal of Geomechanics, 2020, 20(7): 04020088. (7) Wang D.*, Du Y., Korkiala-Tanttu L., Zhao Z. Volume change behavior of natural expansive soils subjected to acid and alkali contamination. International Journal of Geomechanics, 2020, 20(11): 06020030. (8) Wang D.*, Xiao J., He F., Zhou Y. Durability evolution and associated micro-mechanisms of carbonated reactive MgO-fly ash solidified sludge from East Lake, China. Construction and Building Materials, 2019, 208: 1-12. (9) Wang D.*, Xiao J., Gao X. Strength gain and microstructure of carbonated reactive MgO-fly ash solidified sludge from East Lake, China. Engineering Geology, 2019, 251: 37-47. (10) Wang D.*, Zhu J., He F. Quantification and micro-mechanisms of CO2 sequestration in magnesia-lime-fly ash/slag solidified soils. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 2019, 91: 102827.
承担的主要科研项目 湖北省自然科学基金杰出青年项目(2024), 多源大宗工业固废基水泥固化淤泥力学性能与增效机制研究 国家自然科学基金面上项目(2020):CO2碳化富Ca/Mg工业废渣固化淤泥性能调控与微观结构表征 国家重点研发计划项目课题之专题(2020):膨胀土滑坡和工程边坡新型防治技术研究 国家自然科学基金面上项目(2018):考虑絮凝-胶凝作用的磷酸镁/氯氧镁水泥固化淤泥力学性能与微观机制 国家自然科学基金青年项目(2016):碳化-激发作用下MgO-粉煤灰固化淤泥力学性状与微观机理研究 湖北省自然科学基金面上类项目(2016):MgO-粉煤灰改良淤泥强度与变形特性及微观机理研究 9001cc金沙以诚为本自主科研竞争类项目(自然科学类)(2022):拔尖创新人才培育Ⅰ类项目, 废弃淤泥绿色可持续固化与再生填料利用 服务社会产学研合作课题(软基处理、淤泥(浆)减容固化、渣土利用、隧洞掘进、围岩支护等)等20余项重大工程科技项目。 隧洞掘进爆破精准控制与振动预测关键技术研究(2024) 输水隧洞高性能纤维混凝土喷层关键技术与工程示范(2024) 明挖基坑诱发地基及邻近建筑物变形规律与防控关键技术研究(2023) 明挖隧道淤泥固化再生回填料关键技术研究(2023) 盾构渣土再生制备生态板材关键技术及其护坡工程应用(2023) 流态淤泥浅层固化构建施工平台关键技术及工程示范(2022) 滨海深厚软土区水泥搅拌桩改进成套技术及工程应用(2021) 滨海相软土地基加固关键技术及工作性能研究(2021)